Friday, May 28, 2010

Me, Myself and I

I hope you all enjoy someone talking about themselves - alot. One of my major aims of this blog is to completely bore the pants off the reader with the ins and outs of my life, however I will try not to be so OTT as to tell you the gory details of the baby making journey!

So me, I'm an '83 model, Aquarian on the cusp of Picses, country living (and loving), married mum of 2 beautiful Princesses. I love animals and one day I plan on having a little place of my own for a menagerie. Currently my husband (my teen sweet heart who I have been with for nearly 11 years and married to for 6) is a farmer on a mixed farming property. The company runs lamb, beef and broadacre cropping. We are in country NSW about 2hr north of Wagga and 1hr east of Canberra and yes we are in Australia, for those of you playing at home.

And here it is.... my reproductive background (LOL)... We were married of March 2004 and started TTC#1 on our wedding night, obviously we were hoping for a honeymoon baby but that never happened and being a crazy, naive 21 year old we BD every day and I got disapointed with every passing month (yeah here's the punch line) after 3 months (hahaha) we were pregnant with DD1 and after an uneventful pregnancy she was born safe and sound in March 2005 (only 4 days before our 1st wedding anniversary).

We put off TTC#2 until October 2006 and was lucky enough to get our next BFP only 4 months later on Valentines Day. However our joy was short lived when I started spotting on our 3rd wedding anniversary and we lost our Angel Baby 2 days later. Our Dr suggested we take 3 months off but we took one off and came back with a vengence. I started Charting my fertility signs, taking my temperature upon waking, using ovulation tests and being a general Trying To Conceive nazi. Later DH was to tell me he found it hard to "perform" on demand and 7 months later I decided to pack it in and just go with the flow (it was soooooooo hard for me to let go over the only "control" I had over the whole baby making business). So that month I did nothing, we tried making a baby only once or twice in my fertile period and at about 10DPO (days past ovulation) we got our much awaited BFP. My pregnancy this time was a little more interesting from about 12 weeks until 16 weeks I had a weird rash. It started under my arms and worked it's way from head to toe. I was on Polaramine and told not to use soap etc. I still don't really know exactly what it was, but OMG it was the worst thing ever! I had a scare at 14wks when I started spotting, but this was put down to some ... ahem ... vigorous love making and after that DH was much more gentle. The birth was also an experience not to be repeated (with a bit of luck). I'm a lady with padding, yes I'm a plus size mum who has been pregnant and gave birth without complications, pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes. However the extra padding, as well as my placenta being on the front of my uterus, made it difficult for the midwives and Dr to determine which way baby was facing. Anyway I digress... My waters broke at 1am Sunday morning. It was quite interesting. I had my waters broken while in labour with DD1 so I had no idea what it felt like. It was a "POP" I swear I heard it and a small release in pressure as well as a small amount of fluid leakage. I was up like a shot out of bed shaking like a leaf. I had decided that DD1 could share a bed with me that particular night, so hubby was down in her bed. Being a typical male (ok typical for him) when approached about my state he suggested I go back to sleep and quickly rolled over. Ignoring his advice I rang the hospital who suggested I come in "just in case" I need not have worried, after monitoring, the Dr breaking my forewaters and the administration of a syntocin drip at the most minimum of increments per half hour DD1 was born with painful back contractions at 11.55pm Sunday night. It appeared not long before I pushed her out that she was actually posterior and it took a sharp punch to the front of my stomach to help me realise. It's amazing what you feel with your tummy is relieved of all that amniotic fluid!! I'm warning you the pain is like nothing you've ever felt. Imagine a red hot screwdriver being hammered into your tail bone over and over and you might get a small inkling of what thet pain felt like. Thank goodness for massage and a sitting on a gym ball is all I can say! Oh and yay for gas... sweet, sweet, mind numbing gas! I was out of my tree LOL!!

Now to TTC#3... we started in June '09 and yes we've had our on's and off's with more on's than off's and now we are nearly up to a year since we started. About 3 months ago I had an anovulatory cycle (one in which I didn't ovulate) and I had a light period for 11 days, which is out of character for me since I'm usually about 3 days of bleeding and 2 days of spotting (sorry that's just gross, but it's all part and parcel of the journey I assure you). Anyway I decided to see my Dr who gave me a referral for bloodwork and a u/s. The bloods showed my hormones were normal but the u/s revealed I had cysts on my ovaries... cue me freaking out. According to my Dr this would make it difficult to conceive but from my own research and experiences of others just having Poly Cystic Ovaries does not automatically mean A) I can't conceive and B) I have Poly Cystic Ovarian SYNDROME, though it is a symptom of the latter (but not all cases of PCOS have PCO as a symptoms.... confused much??). So I have been given further refferals for blood work to test Thyroid Function and also a Glucose Tolerance Test. After the initial freak out, I believe I have been ovulating since then (I had just ovulated at my ultrasound appointment) so I'm not sure if there's anything to worry about and as such I am putting off my tests, you know because I MIGHT be pregnant... Am I in denial? It's hard to say.

So this is where we are up to right now. I have been using ovulation tests again and trying to take my temperature again but that has been a fizzer since DD2 has been night waking again and it puts me out of whack. I haven't bothered this cycle but if I don't get my BFP (Big Fat Positive) this month I'll be sure to dust off the thermometer for next. I believe I am about halfway through my Luteal Phase (LP otherwise knows as the TWW, 2WW or 2 Week Wait) and I expect AF (Aunt Flow - my Period) to be due on or around the 6th June. I didn't want to test until then but no doubt with a cupboard full of HPTs (Home pregnancy tests) I will be a POAS (Pee on a stick) addict!!

And just for the record, I am going to overload you with useful information, and lots and lots of acronyms!

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